Meditation is a powerful way to heal your mind and indeed your body

Meditation has been around for centuries and is in essence a practice where you can train your mind and induce a higher or altered state of consciousness and obtain a feeling of calm and inner peace.

Most practitioners of meditation do have various techniques on how they meditate, however one of the easiest ways to start is by closing your eyes and breathing slowly and deeply while relaxing your body and emptying your mind.

If you can count to 10 then you can start on your journey of meditation and find an inner calm that you never knew existed. The staff at carpet cleaning Sherwood Park are true believers in the power of meditation and your ability to re-energize your body and mind.

A basic way of breathing in preparation for meditating is as follows;

First off you will want to practice this with no distractions, so find a quiet location, wearing loose, comfortable clothing helps you to feel relaxed.


Sit in a comfortable position either or the floor or in a chair, or indeed you can lie down and close your eyes.

The great thing about this is there is no special equipment required (you can of course invest in a meditation chair or pillow once you have progressed to more advanced techniques) and this technique can be used pretty much anywhere once you have got the hang of it.

A huge part of meditation is breathing, sounds simple right as we do it all the time, well in this we are going to look at a great way to ‘control’ your breathing which will start you on the journey to meditation.

You want to breathe naturally, do not force it.

Okay so focus on your breathing, on your first inhalation, count 1 quietly in your mind, and when exhale count 2, then inhale again count 3 to yourself.

Continue this until you reach 10 and then return to 1, basically on every inhale you should be using the odd numbers – 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 – and on each exhalation you will be counting the even numbers – 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.

If at any time you lose count just start again at 1 and carry on, do not worry about it.

While starting out (indeed further down the line) you may find you fall asleep, this is great as think how relaxed you must be to sleep.

To start with try to practice this technique for 10 to 20 minutes daily, and once you feel comfortable with this method of breathing you can stop counting.

This is a great way to relieve yourself of stress and as mentioned can be used anywhere once you have got used to it, in the office or the bus etc.